Unusual Actions to Watch Out with Your Doggy

Tail ChasingEvery action does by any man is a direct sign of thought for that serves as one medium through which an abstract or concrete message can be conveyed, but when animals do something that no human can hardly think about and act on, such is simply part of their nature that should be straightened or normalized through training. This is apparently the case of dogs who have tendencies to do unusual things which might bother a pet owner who does not know how to interpret every movement they make. It may cause more than just confusion, but a problem on behavior of the doggy and the treatment of his master, and if this is what concerns you now, then the following interpretations of your dog’s untypical actions from the experts can help you understand what your pet really wants:


It is common among puppies to chase their tales as though they are playing like how babies try to grab their toes, but that is not abnormal if you have though it is. Experts say that such is the way of dogs to explore their bodies and it is a problem only when done all the time. In this case, it is necessary to distract your pet so he would stop doing the habit of tail chasing, but if it is not effective and he even prefer to continue doing it rather than eat or walk with you, you should immediately consult your veterinarian for medication of training.


Being sociable and playful are one nature of dogs and it is not surprising if they hump and do unusual movements upon seeing you. And notably, for some pet owners, this is one stress-relieving practice of both male and female dogs. However, as noted by experts dogs are humping people because they want to show dominance and, thus, if repeatedly done you should ask your trainer or veterinarian for possible remedy.


Dogs can be great runners and chasers when they herd anything or anyone whom they see, and you have nothing to be proud about this especially when they catch cats, chickens, or kids. That can be dreadful given that they have tendency to bite what they have caught; hence, best that you can do is have a trainer that would control his tendency of doing so.

Eating Excrement

No pet owner can say that such is a hygienic or safe habit though it is one nature of such an animal that was once a scavenger. That means they eat anything they see or find and because their digestive system works very well, they can get nutrients out of such. And the solution for this problem is to offer tastier food when you catch your dog in the act, and much better if you can ask your veterinarian regarding this.

Eating Grass

This may be unusual considering that dogs are not really born herbivores, but you should now be used to it because they love to eat green foods sometimes. It is normal but may turn otherwise if you do not restrict him from eating too much of it which may cause digestive problems. Hence, it would really be better if you consult your veterinarian for the proper remedy to take.

If you see your doggy does any of the aforementioned or other unusual actions or behavior, you should not wonder why; instead, you should ask yourself of what to do in correcting such an undesirable habit.


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