Training Dogs to Wear the Muzzle

Leather Dog Muzzles

Every dog has its own personality and behavior. Although a dog trainer can communicate with these pooches, they still need essentials such as getting them a leash and a muzzle. Any owner would love their pets to learn few tricks and these are necessary to control the pet’s behavior. Although, there may be other items that are essential for pets; among these are pet collars, dog tags, dog beds, and more. All these are not just accessories but play an important role in raising and caring a good pet.

A muzzle is an effective and humane tool to control the dog’s behavior. A dog wearing either a safety basket or a nylon muzzle can be scary but in about time, it will train the dog and allow them to be the man’s best friend. Before training the dog to wear the muzzle, the first thing that owners need to consider is to determine the kind of treat the dog wants and enjoys. Training treats have a variety to choose from. Normally, treats are soft so trainers or owners can break it into small cubes and won’t crumble. Dogs usually follow orders when they know they get a reward.

Step 1: Clicker introduced.

This is a plastic tool with a small metal tongue and as it is depressed, it produces a clicking sound. Most trainers find this an effective device to teach the dogs. Although this device is not an essential to let the dogs wear the muzzle, but in some way or the other, as trainers and owners ask their pets to do something, as he clicks, they immediately follow and waits for the treat as they have done it right. Allow the dog to understand that each click means treat.

Step 2: Muzzle introduced.

The muzzle has to be in one hand while the treat and the clicker on the other. As the dog sits in front of the trainer, hold the muzzle toward the dog. As soon as the dog sniffs, immediately click and offer the dog a treat. Should he refuse to sniff it, rub some treat thereby, the muzzle will smell delicious. These steps can be repeated until the dog tries to reach it with his nose.

Step 3: Muzzle to the nose.

At this point, there will be a few changes on the rules. At first, whenever the dog touches the muzzle with his nose, he will be given the treat. This step is repeated until the dog pokes the muzzle to his nose. This time, he will feel a little comfortable and used to putting the muzzle to his nose.

Step 4: Keep the nose in the muzzle.

Ask the dog to hold his nose in the muzzle. Give it a second or two before the click and treat trick will be done. After several repetitions, dogs will be able to hold his nose into the muzzle for a period of time.

Step 5: Muzzle strapped and worn for a longer period of time.

This step will teach the dog to hold his nose in the muzzle as the trainer straps it. The moment the dog wears it for a longer period of time, remove it and offer a treat. This way, dogs are controlled.

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